When you think of solar energy, you might think of a house in your neighborhood that has a few solar panels mounted on the roof. But solar energy is far more versatile than that, playing a key role in several different sectors. Here’s a closer look at how different entities are able to use solar power.
Commercial Applications of Solar Energy
Commercial entities looking to reduce overhead can achieve big wins with solar power. A solar system offers guaranteed control of your electric costs for more predictable overhead. You can also reduce your tax liability through solar incentives, further improving cash flow. Businesses can enjoy long-term savings on energy while showing customers that they are committed to sustainability.
Agricultural Applications of Solar Energy
Solar energy can help farms become more sustainable, while also helping to make energy costs more manageable. Solar systems can be installed on ground level or on the roofs of barns or other buildings. With aggregate net metering, a single solar system can be used to offset multiple meters on your property, including irrigation, residencies, and more. Best of all, the solar system doesn’t have to be at the meter site, so you don’t have to worry about displacing crops.
Community-Focused Projects
Community solar projects are an exciting way to expand the reach of solar to residential communities. These systems install a large array of solar panels on a centralized plant or farm. With virtual net metering, households can then buy in to community solar through either an ownership or subscription model. This way, even homes that might not be able to install rooftop solar on their own property can access solar energy.
The best part of these varied applications is that Sunrise Solar supports each of these different sectors. No matter what type of solar installation project you need help with, our team can help design a solution that is custom-tailored to your property and its energy needs.
Contact us today to learn more.