There is something very satisfying in the ability to generate your own power. You can see it in the elementary-aged child who enters a potato-battery-powered clock in their school science fair. You can see it while taking a tour of a historic water-powered grist mill. You can see it in the off-grid homesteading family that doesn’t want to be dependent on others to provide their needs. And, you can see it in the renewable energy scientist that devotes their career to unlocking the power-producing potential of earth’s numerous clean energy sources.
Solar Power
This drive to generate power has led to much interest in solar power technology. While harnessing the power of the sun is by no means a new thing (it has been around for well over 2000 years), the solar energy industry is experiencing unprecedented growth right now. The sun is our most powerful source of energy, producing more than enough energy to power the entire earth every single day. We can’t deplete it, and it is already coming to us – for free!
Technical Advances in Solar Power
Solar is increasingly more efficient, and is becoming available in more forms. One of the results of these advances in technology is a decrease in the cost of installing and utilizing solar power systems. This trend will likely continue as technology continuously develops and more people become aware of the tremendous opportunity that lies within this field.
Gaining Control
With a solar power system installed on your home or business, you are decreasing your reliance on the energy grid by generating your own electricity. You have the ability to lower your costs and reduce your carbon footprint. Contact us to see how solar can benefit your home or business.