Solar panels are truly incredible, generating electricity simply by absorbing the sun’s ultraviolet rays. These complex systems are a great source of reliable, clean energy. Here’s a closer look at how they work.
Each solar panel is made up of several smaller silicon “cells” that capture sunlight. Each cell includes both positive and negatively-charged layers. The electrical field produced by solar cells is actually created when photons from sunlight hit the cell and knock electrons loose from their base atoms. When this happens, the panel produces direct current (DC) electricity.
After the solar cell produces an electrical field, the inverter is responsible for converting it into alternating current (AC) electricity. This power is then sent to your home, providing safe and reliable electricity. Excess power that is not needed or used is sent to the system’s deep cycle batteries. This power is kept “on reserve” until times when the solar cell is not generating as much energy as is needed by the house (such as at night or during a day with heavy cloud cover).
Solar systems are complex. The panels, inverters, and batteries must be properly set up to ensure that electricity is produced, transferred, and stored safely and efficiently. Because of this, you should always let professional technicians handle the installation work. This ensures safe and reliable results.
Solar panels are truly incredible systems — so make sure you get the best results possible from your new installation. Contact Sunrise Solar today and we’ll help you determine which layout will work best for your needs and budget.