Think you have to put solar panels on your own roof or land to gain access to solar power? Think again! With community solar, you can gain access to clean, renewable energy, even when you don’t have solar panels installed on your own property.
What are Community Solar Programs?
Community solar is when a large number of consumers purchase or lease solar panels in an off-site array. They then receive a credit on their electric bill based on the energy generated by their share of the panels in the community solar program. The community solar panel array is typically owned by either a project developer or utility company that helps enroll participants in the program.
Who Can Benefit From Community Solar?
Community solar is a great way to take advantage of solar energy even when your property doesn’t allow for on-site panels. This could be because the roof size, slope, or shading makes it impossible to install a sufficiently large systems, or if you don’t have enough available land for a ground-based panel setup. Community solar is also a great way to access solar if you are renting your property or don’t have the financial means to install a system.
These programs ultimately make solar more accessible to everyone, helping lower your electricity bills and reduce your carbon footprint.
Whether you’re interested in learning more about community solar or are ready to install solar panels on your own property, Sunrise Solar can help. Our expert design and installation team provides custom solutions for homes, businesses, and farms to help you make the most of your energy usage.
Contact us today to get started!